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Why Choose Culligan For Your Whole House Water Filtration?

Not all whole house water filters are created equal…nor is the service to install and maintain them.

  1. Expert Installation. Easy To Use.

    Culligan has been in the water treatment service business for more than 85 years…and it’s all we do. Your local Culligan delivers, installs and maintains your water softener system for you, so you don’t have to! No worries about shipping damage, unboxing, or installation location. Just schedule an appointment, then relax and enjoy great water throughout your home!

  2. Cure Problem Water With A Trusted Product

    “Problem water” is typical of areas with well water or municipal systems that have hard water, iron, sulfur and other bad odor, turbidity, or low pH. Whole house filtration brings your these problems to a halt, improves water taste and overall quality, and can lower your utility costs. Likewise, you’re backed by the best water treatment service in the industry.

  3. Unmatched Performance + Custom Solutions.

    Introducing Culligan’s NEW solution for whole house filtration: The Aquasential™ Smart High Efficiency (HE) Water Filter, and The Aquasential Select Plus Series™ and the Select Series™. These filters are sophisticated to be controlled remotely. Additionally, we offer specialized solutions to combat iron, sulfur, and pretty much almost any other issue your Sioux Falls area home’s water is having.

  4. Why Price Tags Are Deceptive

    Unless you were an expert installer, you wouldn’t buy a water heater directly off Amazon. However, big box retailers, both in-store and online, take this transactional approach to homeowners for whole house water filtration. They offer you low price tags for incentive. But what they don’t tell you about are the installation hassle, the third-party customer service on both ends, and how you’re left to your own devices to maintain your system – don’t forget, your home is unique. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. If you truly want to save throughout the life of your system, go with the expert!

Problem Water

Sioux Falls Water Issues

Iron (Fe) can drive Sioux Falls homeowners crazy with its ability to make its way into a water supply, affecting everything from the metallic taste of food and drink to stains on clothing and fixtures.

The most common way to diagnose a contamination of sulfur or hydrogen sulfate in your Sioux Falls home is the smell. To that end, there are simple steps you can take to eliminate this from your faucets.

You can Access the City of Sioux Falls’ annual Drinking Water Quality Report. This is also known as a consumer confidence report, and provides detailed data on the composition of your municipal water annually.

Proudly serving Minnehaha, Lincoln, Turner, Union, Hutchinson and McCook Counties

Product Benefits

With The Culligan Aquasential Smart Series Water Filters You Get:

Brighter Laundry

Clear Drinking Water

No Odor

Reduced Staining

Top Products

Our Most Popular Whole House Water Filters

HE Smart Sulfur Cleer

Aquasential™ Smart High Efficiency, Select Series™ and Select Plus Series™

Reduce sediments in your water and contaminants that cause your water to appear, taste, and smell unpleasant. Your system can also lessen the taste and odor of chlorine, and prevent pipe damage and staining from low pH water. Additional customizations include:

  • Culligan® Filtr-Cleer® Water Filters – Reduces Sediment Problems
  • Culligan® Cullar® Water Filters – Reduces Taste and Odor Problems
  • Culligan® Cullneu Water Filters – Reduces Acid Problems

Aquasential™ Smart High Efficiency Sulfur-Cleer® and Sulfur OX3®

The Sulfur-Cleer® was specifically designed to remove hydrogen sulfide and iron. The Sulfur OX3® offers a simple tank design with an environmentally friendly filter system that uses no chemicals. An affordable system for removing moderate levels of iron, it uses the natural process of oxidation to prevent black spots on laundry and fixtures. Additionally, it protects plumbing from the corrosive effects of hydrogen sulfide, increasing the life of your appliances and fixtures.

The Proof

Why Do Sioux Falls Homeowners LOVE Us?

Matthew B.
Star Star Star Star Star

Been getting my water here for years, delivery service is always good, I live on third floor, and its at my door on time. Wait time from ordering can be a week or two, so i have to plan ahead and keep a bottle around. Prices aren’t bad, a little more than filling them myself, but it tastes better, and I don’t have to transport them

Cher G.
Star Star Star Star Star

I am happy with my new RO system. Salesman was great, Installation was great and office staff was great. The guy that installed my daughters softener system messed up badly by crossing hoses and ruining her new faucet, but the manager immediately made good on replacing her faucet and making sure it was done properly, so no issues. Very satisfied.

Carl C.
Star Star Star Star Star

Culligan of Sioux Falls is easy to work with. Their quality is impeccable. Their service is even better. I enjoy the water quality we receive. It’s a great value.


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Whole House Filter FAQ

We Have Answers!

How Much Does A Whole House Water Filter Cost Compared To A Reverse Osmosis Filter?

Whole house water filters are typically more expensive than reverse osmosis systems for a couple of reasons. A RO system only filters water at one tap, while a whole home filter operates as a water system throughout your home. Likewise, custom options to filter major issues such as iron and sulfur are not applicable to a reverse osmosis system. Think of an RO system taking care of your drinking water at one tap, while a whole house filter provides customizable solutions for all water problems — scale, hardness, laundry — throughout your home.

Do Whole House Water Filters Soften Water?

 Whole house systems are designed to reduce sediment, chlorine and other contaminants, leaving you with cleaner, safer, fresher-tasting water. Based on the makeup of your water, Culligan may recommend a combination of whole-house filtration and water softening. Minerals such as calcium and magnesium can decrease the effectiveness of your whole house water filter, so if there is a need for a whole house filter in an area with a high level of hardness, this would be the solution suggested by your Culligan expert.

Do Whole House Water Filters Reduce Water Pressure

An undersized or poorly-installed whole house water filter will reduce your water pressure throughout your home, which can range from a minor annoyance to a major flow issue in your sinks and showers. You can prevent this issue by avoiding retail and third-party plumbers, who do not have experience installing whole house water filters as their primary job. Culligan also provides your product with a warranty, as well as maintenance options so if there is an issue, it can be fixed immediately.

What are the features and specifications of the Select Plus and Select Series?

  • Control valve is available in 3/4” with the Culligan Select Series and 1” with the Culligan Select Plus Series.
  • The low voltage, fully programmable Accusoft® Microprocessor offers easy data entry performance options that can be set at the touch of a button to meet individual needs.
  • All programming is safe from most power interruptions and surges.
  • The Guest-Cycle recharge feature provides an extra supply of conditioned water when there are more people than normal in the home.
  • Non-corrosive 4-cycle motorized control valve directs water flow during service and reconditioning cycles.
  • Sturdy filament-wound exterior, and smooth non-permeable inner tank
  • Available in outdoor models.
  • Sizes Range from 8-10 inches in diameter to 51-63 inches in height.

What are the features and specifications of the Smart HE Sulfur-Cleer Filter?

Reverse osmosis is a sophisticated multi-stage filtration system that is capable of removing up to 97% of all the dissolved minerals from your water.  I

  • The air compressor is key to the aeration process which oxidizes the dissolved iron and hydrogen sulfide.
  • On/off times adjustable to raw water characteristics.
  • Automatic bypass valve provides the convenience of bypassing the water softener from the softener itself or by using the Culligan® Connect App.
  • The easy-to-read back-lit display lets you know your softener is working and warns of system malfunctions.
  • Culligan’s Connect App provides peace of mind with 24/7 monitoring and control of your Culligan equipment.
  • Optional Leak Sensor provides peace of mind if there is a water/moisture issue.
  • The media filter in the tank acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between the oxygen, iron, and hydrogen sulfide.
  • Mechanical improvements, including design updates and indicator lights to make sure it’s always in peak condition.
  • Exclusive, non-corrosive valve using motorized pistons that provide more reliability than rotary valve systems.
  • Sturdy media tank with filament-wound exterior, and smooth, non-permeable inner tank shell.
  • Optional Quadra-Hull® media tank provides four layers of protection and has a limited lifetime warranty.