If you’re like I was, I FEARED doing laundry.

Don't Be Afraid to Wash Your Whites!
Don’t Be Afraid to Wash Your Whites!

I spent a ton of money on fabric softeners, stain removers, and even dumped vinegar in my washer to try and prevent my white clothes from staining… boy was that a mistake.

It was surprising to learn that a LOT of other people in Sioux Empire had the same issue as me.

It was also surprising – and pleasantly so – that Culligan offered to come to my home and test my water for Free!

Since Culligan fixed my water, I’ve been happily washing whites for years 🙂

– Amanda C.

If you’ve got an iron problem, you don’t want to wait another day – ruin another shirt – scrub one more sink! You need a solution to your water problems and the best place to start is with a free water test.

Iron, which may be the cause of your staining, can come in a couple different forms AND from different sources.

The best way to ensure the root of your water problem is addressed is with a Free Home Water Test.

Simply fill out the form below or call us to today to learn more about getting clean, stain-free water!